Added in a special hidden item to Pallet Town. Fixed glitchy tiles and collision in Routes 6, 9, 10, and elsewhere. Three Isle Path's postgame area has a slightly different layout. Added Iron Head in as a LVL 1 move for Mecharbok. On all previous versions of the game, leveling up Ralmighty WILL crash the game. HOW TO INSTALL POKEMON SAGE UPDATE
1.7 broke reusable TMs, this update adds them back. Fixed Chilikarp spontaneously losing levels when evolving into Flarados. Fixed Boxiran F having Poison Point when it shouldn't have. Fixed the janky looking tiles on Route 3. All trade Pokemon now have perfect IVs. The Frilazhu for Mechans trade on Route 18 has a Scope Lens as its held item. The Bolderfree for Sponyx trade in the Underground Path has a Choice Band as its held item. The Rustiage for Mawvenus trade in Vermilion City has a Shell Bell as its held item. The Meowxie for Thundursa trade in the Underground Path has a King's Rock as its held item. The Fridgeotto for Torchill trade in Cerulean City has a Bright Powder as its held item. The Corest for Sparsilisk trade on Route 2 has a Lucky Egg as its held item. Tweaked all of the in-game trades to make them more worthwhile. Added in the Fantasy Bay as an area to capture the once-unobtainable Legendary Birds.
Provided a working method to obtain Mandirit, by using a Water Stone on Mandiwhirl. Adjusted the Move Tutor learnsets so they make sense.
Ver 1.6: Reusable TMs and Move Tutor Update
Fixed a wrong warp that was accidentally created in Mushroom Bog. Finally updated the Regi's party icons. Removed an errored Team Rocket Grunt from Silph Co. Fixed some tilemap issues in Region's Edge. Cut was buffed to 65 Power, 100% Accuracy. Bug Bite and Poison Jab now have the correct animations. Fixed Route 6 giving you 0x Luxury Balls as a held item. The cloudy weather in Cerulean City has been removed, due to issues with it interacting with the house tiles. The somewhat glitchy weather effect on Route 4 has been removed. Fixed the odd door physics in the basement of Decrepit Clinic. The area outside of Trainer Tower has been adjusted. HOW TO INSTALL POKEMON SAGE HOW TO
Agatha's Max Revive has been replaced with a Max Potion, as the AI know fuck all about how to use the former. Updated the held items of major boss teams to include less usage of the Brightpowder item. Fixed a possible softlock that could occur in Pokemon Tower by moving the ghost encounter to a lower floor. Oognaut and Wobboogie have new sprites. Avalyte and Avaltar, (once Sandanice and Sandasnow) have new appearances, names, and a slightly adjusted moveset. Region's Edge has had its Surf tiles fixed, so that you will now be able to surf on the water. Various glitches regarding warps not working in Victory Road and other areas have been fixed. Victory Road has been revamped with a new look. Fixed a major oversight in the Decrepit Clinic where the warp tiles were placed one tile too low, thus trapping players in Byoxys's chamber if you are playing on a previous version of the game, it is advised that you stay away from the Clinic. Resolved a minor graphical glitch on Route 7. The Pokemon has been replaced by a Sandanice. Changed Pokemaniac Herman's team to remove his Ralmighty, which was in his team by mistake. Removed the chance to encounter Mystree in the Tanoby Ruins exterior, which could cause crashes. HOW TO INSTALL POKEMON SAGE PLUS
Indulge in moves from all eight generations, plus even some brand-new moves sprinkled in! Every move in the game can be found in List of Moves. which can be gotten from the Pokemon in the Mushroom Bog, a newly added location. There is a move deleter, move reminder, and name rater on the second floor of every Pokemon Center! The reminder takes Mushrooms as payment. The physical/special split has been implemented! Moves do not display whether they are Physical or Special in their description as of now, but they generally conform to the normal games. The level curve and difficulty has been adjusted to be both more forgiving to the player, but also provide harder fights. HOW TO INSTALL POKEMON SAGE FULL
There are 411 all-original Alter Form Pokemon in this hack do you dare to catch them all? Click here to see the full list. 3.10 Ver 1.10: I just can't stop coming back lmaoįYI: RARE CANDY CHEATS ARE ENCOURAGED IF YOU FEEL UNDERLEVELED.Īny cheats that work on vanilla FireRed work for this version as well. 3.6 Ver 1.6: Reusable TMs and Move Tutor Update. 3.4 Ver 1.4: Map Tile Fixes + More Update. 1 FYI: RARE CANDY CHEATS ARE ENCOURAGED IF YOU FEEL UNDERLEVELED.